Why it is so important to show love through service

This being the month of love, I can think of no better way to show love than service, so I want to talk about why it is so important to serve others. The Bible often talks about “love in actions” and “love with truth.” This means that the best way to show love is to show love through service.

Why it is important to show love through service ~ Elyssa at Whollyart

What do the Scriptures Say about Service?

In the scriptures, Christ shares the parable of The Good Samaritan. The story is about a Jew who is left with nothing and half dead on the road. A Priest and a Levite passed the man by, but a Samaritan had pity on him, so he bandaged his wounds and took him to an Inn.  (To see the scriptural story, go to Luke 10: 30-37.) Christ told this story to illustrate a true act of service and because at the time, Samaritans were not very friendly with Jews.

In the Book Of Mormon, in Mosiah 2:17 it says that when we are in the service of others, “ye are only in the service of your God.”

The Benefits of Showing Love through Service

Last year, a group of girls and I helped a family that was needy in our community with their children and house duties. The spirit was very strong after we did this act of service. It is one I will probably never forget.

As we show love through service, we and the people we serve can grow spiritually. Service gives us and others a certain satisfaction that can’t be gained through self-interest.

Our Heavenly Father usually bestows blessings upon us through other people. When we show love through service, we are being used by God to bring about a blessing. I am amazed that every one of us can be a part of blessings and miracles of God!

I always feel very happy when I serve others. One of the leaders in my church, President Henry B. Eyring, talked about this special joy we feel. He says, “Charity is the pure love of Christ. He lives. As we serve others, we feel His joy.”

Small, yet Significant Acts of Service

Your gift can be a hug, smile, an encouraging word, or even a kind card. Our acts of kindness may be small, but if done with a smile, a good attitude, and good intent, it means a lot.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart… LOL! I was just kidding! :) <3  Anyhow, last Christmas Eve, I was expecting to be putting up decorations and cooking all day. But, what we did was even better! Usually, we do a servicey project, like when we passed out bread and toys to needy people.

Have you by any chance heard of the Soup Mobile? It’s an organization where they feed and shelter the homeless. They put them in the Omni Hotel, with free food and gifts. My sister and all my family helped pass out wrapped gifts and teddy bears. We also cheered them on as they walked on the “red carpet.” Though I was quite tired after it was done, I felt filled with happiness and warmth. May you, too, feel this joy while showing love through service.

You can show kindness by baking cookies for a neighbor, getting flowers for your mom, or even just being friendly.

What do you do to show love through service?

Happy serving!




  1. […] main reason God gave us talents is so we can share them with others through service. Other people may not have specific talents we have, which they need. We can help others worship […]

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