I Love ME! Book Contributors: Tom Antion

Tom Antion, Elisha, and Elyssa

Tom Antion, Elisha, and Elyssa

Before going to Author 101, we researched all the speakers, and went to their website. We went to Tom Antion’s website and read that he is a Consumer Advocate, Public Speaking and Internet Marketing Expert. When you really get to know him though, The Expert becomes a nice, friendly, and (very) huggable person!

We signed up for his free newsletter full of great tips for speaking success. You can find many resources there that can be helpful to you. We left him a recorded message on Speak Pipe. A few minutes later, we got his response on email! On the voice message, we mentioned we have a campaign for our book.  He contributed to our campaign a few days later without even knowing us!

After all of this, we actually met him at Author 101. He speaks there literally every time because of his valuable information (You can learn more about my experience at Author 101, too, but please stick to this blog post until you are finished. Thank you!).

Tom Antion is one of the only speakers who stays in the room to listen to the other speakers. He said that he does this because he is a continuous learner and he wants to set a good example for the people in the room and If a speaker has adequately covered some point that he planned cover in his speech, it would be wasting the audience’s time to rehash the same material.

Tom Antion is very funny! At Author 101, he showed us funny websites and videos while teaching helpful tips. He is very good friends with Starley Murray.

There are some standard things all authors need to know about that Tom Antion teaches in his program. Here are just a few examples: Keyword research, Webpage creation, Product Production, Video Production, Blogging, Social Media ,Membership sites, Opt in list ,Copy writing, Selling Techniques, and more!

To find out more about Tom Antion, please visit www.greatinternetmarketingtraining.com  And, tell you what! Do you want to meet Tom Antion and other successful personalities that can help you with your book (if you have one or are working on it)? Dance right along to Author 101!



  1. Tom Antion on December 1, 2013 at 2:56 pm

    I love you two. You are two superstars that the world should be thankful to have.
    Love you

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