Remembering An Amazing Leader… Martin Luther King Jr.

Remembering An Amazing Leader... Martin Luther King Jr.Martin Luther King Jr. is one of my favorite people in history. If you came up to me and asked me if I could meet any one person, alive or deceased, and shake their hand, it would be him.

Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1929 to Alberta Williams King and Martin Luther King, Sr. and brother to Christine King Farris and A.D. (Alfred Daniel) Williams King.

Dr. King got married to Coretta Scott King on June 18, 1953 and became the parents of 4: Yolanda (Yoki) King, Dexter Scott King, Martin Luther King III, and Bernice King.

He wrote 30 books in his lifetime!!!

He believed in Gandhi’s philosophy of ahisma, nonviolence resistance, and encouraged it in the protests he led. He believed that they should have the moral courage to stand up for their freedom, as long as no violence or hate was involved. He taught others how to peacefully put up with hurting insults and attacks.

He was (and still is) a motivational leader and mentor to millions… around the world!

I would like to share 3 things I have learned from him:

1. “If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but do what you have to do to keep moving forward.”

Per·se·ver·ance – Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty in achieving success.

We need to keep on persevering and do everything we can to move forward and reach our goals and destinations. If we are determined to get something done, we will do any positive thing it takes to reach our desires.

2. “There is no gain without struggle.”

Strug·gle – A determined effort under difficulties.

Everybody who is or ever was successful had to work to get there, they didn’t just get there, they had to commit long hours and hours of effort to achieve their dreams. That means that we all have to work to make something happen and mark a path for others.

3. “A man can’t ride your back unless it’s bent.”

Hu·mil·i·ty –  The quality or state of thinking about everyone’s individual worth.

If we want to help someone, we need to be humble before helping them. Ask HOW you can help. Be willing and open to accepting new ideas. Find a Win-Win solution. Remember to always think about others in humility, think about everyone’s worth.

I just want to share how learning about this man has taught me about how blessed I truly am to not live in a world of racism and how I can promote peace and equality by acting in it. Please visit his website where you can find out more about his legacy, donate to their cause, or even explore the worldwide dream map and add one of your own dreams to it!


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