Easy, Quick, Delicious, and Vegan Tofu Nuggets!!!
Why Tofu Nuggets???
I was inspired to make my own tofu nuggets recipe because we used to sometimes as a quick treat buy vegan “chicken” nuggets from the store, but we sadly discovered they have eggs. I was devastated about this, but I soon realized I could just make my own! I researched online, made up a recipe, and voila! Tofu nuggets were born!
While I was researching, I came across a McDonald’s article saying their chicken nuggets contained many chemicals and bad ingredients. The poor animals are treated badly, as well. I’m happy our mom hasn’t ever taken us to any fast food restaurants.
I figured out I can make a recipe of tofu nuggets not only scrumptious, but healthy!

Ingredients to Make The Tofu Nuggets Recipe:
- 3 tbsp of peanut butter
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 4 tsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp oregano
- 2/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
- 3 slices of white bread
- 1 block firm or extra-firm tofu, most preferably pressed
- 1/5 cups of almond milk or soymilk
How to Prepare Tofu Nuggets Recipe:
Get two separate bowls, a cutting board, and one half-size sheet pan. In one of the bowls, mix the spices, almond-milk, and 2 tablespoons of lightly stirred peanut butter
Let the mix sit while you start preparing the tofu. You can drain it or press it.
How to Drain Tofu:
- Stab the container on one end.
- Press down the lid tightly as you hold the container above the sink.
- If it still has more water, squeeze the tofu to get it out.
How to Press Tofu:
- Place the tofu on a few napkins/paper towels.
- Put a napkin on top of the tofu.
- Place a bowl with a heavy object inside on top of the tofu.
- Let it sit for about 10 minutes
After preparing the tofu, cut it vertically three times, and horizontally about four. Dig the knife deep so that the whole thing is cut, instead of one side! Let them wait next to the mixture while you make the homemade bread crumbs!
Put the bread in the toaster. While it’s toasting, get out the grater. Wait for it……. and pop! Get your toast out and put the third slice in while grating the bread. By the time you’re finished, toast should be ready to grate!
Now it’s time to coat your tofu in the mixture. Add a little more of garlic and onion powder, and oregano. Sprinkle the bread crumbs evenly on both sides of the nuggets.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and put oil on a tray. If there is excess mixture, mix the oil with it. Place the tofu nuggets on the tray, bake for 12 minutes, turn them, and bake for 13 more minutes for a total of 25 minutes.
After I got the tofu nuggets out of the oven, they cooled. My mom doesn’t like peanut butter, so I was wondering what she would think. When she was done she said, “I could eat ten more!” According to dad, they were “scrumptious.” My sister said they were like “a piece of heaven,” and even my grandma, the hardest to please, had to admit they were good!!
Needless to say, they were a success and I hope that you and your family enjoy making Tofu Nuggets recipe and eating them, too!
They look delicious!!! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing. :)
These Vegan tofu nuggets look scrum-dunctious, yummy, whooee!!!! And healthy also.
I can hardy wait to try them.
They sound very interesting indeed!!!! I am very proud of you researching how to make healthy vegan bites. If they are anything like your Grandmother’s food, I am sure they are delish!!!!
I had no idea plain chunks of tofu could be turned into something so incredible tasty! I can’t wait to have these again :)