“As ‘America’s #1 Success Coach,’ I believe Elisha and Elyssa have written a simple, fun, and powerful book for their peers to find success within. I Love ME! is a fantastic read that will teach your children what specific steps to take to create the life that they want while being happy and grateful in the process.” ~ Jack Canfield, Co-author of the New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, America’s #1 Success Coach, and author of The Success Principles™
“Elisha and Elyssa are living their passions at a young age and through their inner-light, inspiration,and wisdom, they are engaged in a quest of inspiring other kids of following their on. When you read I Love ME! you will instinctively desire to share with all the children in your life. It is a concise, fun, and hands-on guide that will empower kids to live a passionate life so they can live their purpose.” ~ Janet Bray Attwood, co-author of New York Times bestseller The Passion Test – The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose
“This warm, wonderful and inspiring book shows you how to raise happy, healthy, self-confident children.” ~ Brian Tracy, Professional Speaker, Author, Success Expert, CEO of Brian Tracy International
“I was impressed when I read ‘I LOVE ME!’ by two young and passionate kidpreneurs, Elisha and Elyssa. As a CEO, this book moved me with its practical and personal insights that teach young girls about business and being the best ‘you’ possible. Elisha and Elyssa have created a powerful book that provides their peers with specific steps they can take to find happiness within and achieve success. I recommend obtaining a copy of this book to add to your kids’ bookshelf because it’s filled with useful information that every child should know.” ~ Denise Morrison, President and CEO, Campbell Soup Company.

“Elisha and Elyssa are empowering kids to master assertiveness. Every kid and their parents should read it. I wish I had this information when my son was a teenager and was bullied at school.” ~ Marie Diamond, Global Transformational Leader, speaker and Author, Star in The Secret
“I love ME! may be the most important Chicken Soup for the YOUNG SOUL since Chicken Soup itself. We ask all our CEO SPACE family in 140 countries to read this book and to gift copies to at least ten families with children 13 and younger. I love ME! is the future of the leadership of tomorrow.” ~ Berny Dohrmann Chairman CEOSpace.net, Author of Redemption the Cooperation Revolution
“I love Elisha and Elyssa’s book I LOVE Me! The whole book is filled with golden nuggets, that if every child knew them, we would have a better world. What powerful messengers you are – I love that this book is by kids for kids it will make a great mark on the world. You are brilliant, beautiful and bold girls and I celebrate your great work! Keep it up!” ~ Dena Patton, Co-founder The Girls Rule Foundation and Brilliant Beautiful and Bold Movement
“In their book, “I Love ME! Self Esteem In 7 Easy Steps”, Elisha and Elyssa have created a book that you’ll want to share with all the kids in your life! This book teaches kids (big kids,too!) to build a positive self-esteem and follow their dreams. Not only is it great for kids.. but a great resource anyone working with kids that wants to teach them positive core values, self-love, and giving back! As an uncle, I can’t wait to share this gift with my nieces and nephews!” ~ Roberto Candelaria ~ Author, Consultant, Speaker
“I highly recommend I Love Me! Self Esteem in 7 Easy Steps, by sisters Elisha and Elyssa to support kid’s self esteem and a positive self image.This book is an empowering short-read full of wisdom and wonderful drawings that can teach kids confidence in a fun way. Share the perfect gift for kids so they can love themselves while they become the best version of themselves.” ~ Starley Murray, Celebrity Image Expert & Media Strategist
“Success is not an accident; it is the result of following principles that take you from where you are to where you want to be. In their book, I Love ME!, Elisha and Elyssa outline 7 principles that each child in the world must learn at a young age in order to achieve success and lasting happiness. I Love ME! is a must buy book for parents encouraging their children to be their BEST within their abilities.” ~ Elizabeth McCormick, Former Black Hawk Pilot, International Motivational Speaker
“I Love ME! Self Esteem In 7 Easy Steps, by sisters Elisha and Elyssa, is an incredibly thoughtful, unique, and special gift to help kids build their self-esteem and encourage them to follow their dreams.” ~ David L. Hancock, Founder of Morgan James Publishing, Chairman of Guerrilla Marketing International, and President of Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg
“I Love ME! is very relatable, encouraging and easy to understand. It will empower your children through Elisha and Elyssa’s wisdom and insights, found in every page and story in the book. I honestly think this book should be in the hands of every parent that wants their kids to have a positive attitude. It can teach kids the importance of building self-esteem, self-image and confidence. The positive values the book teaches are truly remarkable. I Love ME! is for kids and parents, by kids for kids, by kids for parents, by kids for everyone who wants to live an inspired and happy life. ~ Veronica Brooks, International Author Coach and Speaker read more…
“I was highly impressed with Elisha and Elyssa when we shared the stage at Author 101 University. In I Love ME! These fantastic authors teach kids 7 simple, timely, and powerful steps to help them improve their self-image. As a father, I enjoyed reading their amazing insights, and I support their mission to get children started on a journey of self-development at an early age. I confidently recommend I Love ME! and I know that it will inspire many children not only to increase their self-confidence, but also foster a desire to write, publish, and market a book.” ~ Rick Frishman ~ Best Selling Author, Publisher and Speaker
“Like the two ladies who created this book, it may be small, but do not let its size fool you. This little book holds a wealth of information intended for the young, but useful to all ages. Elyssa and Elisha have broken down some key concepts, that when utilized and put into action, create a solid foundation for living your best life. They bravely share examples of how they learned some of these lessons in their own life and beautifully illustrate through words and drawings how these lessons change their lives daily. They also share a message dear to me – we are each our own unique design and this is something to be celebrated. I encourage people to read this power packed little book and to share it with children everywhere. It is a timely message that can benefit everyone who reads it. If I had 10 thumbs, they would all be up!” Dianne Burch, author – MaxNificent! The Polka Dot Pyrenees
“As the father of two young men, I sometimes wonder what it might have been like to have had daughters. While nothing can replace my boys, if I would have had girls, I could only hope and pray that they would have been as beautiful, intelligent and caring as Elyssa and Elisha. They are truly a gift to us all.” ~ Steve Olsher, New York Times bestselling author of What Is Your WHAT? Discover The ONE Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do
“This book should not be limited to children. It should be required reading for anyone who wants to have a better life. Elisha and Elayna have captured a simple and powerful method for anyone, no matter what age, to live a happier, more fulfilled life. If you have children, get this book and read it with them. If you are an adult without children, buy this book for all your friends that do and one for yourself.” Laura Atchison, CEO of Wisdom Learned, LLC, International Bestselling Author of What Would a Wise Woman Do? and International Transformational Speaker
“There is only one way to describe Elisha and Elyssa: OLD SOUL MESSENGERS. Their book “I Love ME!” is a true reflection of them manifesting their God given gift, which is to empower and equip kids to be their best selves and follow their dreams. The book is thought-provoking, engaging, FUN, interactive and practical. They challenged me to look in the mirror, and ask the question ‘Am I doing all I can to love myself, live my purpose and be the best for others?’ This book might have been written for kids, but it will change a lot of adults lives too! Well done, Elisha and Elyssa, the future of the world will be a better place as a result of kids getting your book in their hands!” ~ Lisa Randolph, CEO, Kaizen Endeavors and Dream Angels, Inc. Mentor
“When I met Elisha and Elyssa and learned about their passion to change the world and the lives of millions of kids worldwide, I was immediately on board. I Love ME! is the first non-fiction self-help book for kids written by kids, and it is filled with inspirational stories, age-appropriate wisdom, and fun exercises that any kid would love – and will definitely learn from.” ~ Larry Benet, Chief Connector and Co Founder of SANG and author of Connection Currency
Elisha and Elyssa have written the perfect book that I wish I had been able to read when I was a young teen! This powerful little gem of a book will plant the seeds of confidence and ensuing greatness in the young minds that read it! If you love a young teen,give them this book!”~ Sandra Dee Robinson, Actress/Speaker/CEO Charisma on Camera Performance Coaching
” Oh how I wish I would have known when I was a kid what Elisha and Elyssa teach in their book “I Love ME!” Can you imagine how different the world would be if we all taught our children these things?
~ Gerald Rogers – Bestselling Author, Speaker and, most importantly, Dad!
“When I saw Elisha and Elyssa, I knew that there was something special about them as they sat in a conference for women business owners. I watched them confidently engage adults with big, bright smiles. Their confidence was a magnet that drew people to them. I was one of those people. As I watched them, spoke with them and came to know them, I saw then, and now know, that they exemplified what I hope would be possible for all children and teens…They were confident. They were empowered. They want to make a difference in the lives of others, especially other children. I am not surprised that the two of them would write I Love ME. They are the perfect pair to tell a story to children about loving self so that they can give love to others.” ~ Coretta Turner, CEO, 3D Discovery
“I Love ME! ~ Self-Esteem In 7 Simple Steps is a fun, encouraging, inspiring, and educational short read, packed with wisdom and insights for kids by kids.” ~ Jill Lublin, 3x Bestselling Author including “Get Noticed, Get Referrals” (McGraw Hill) and International Speaker
In their first book together, ‘I Love ME!’, sisters Elisha & Elyssa prove that they are two of the top thought leaders of their age. ‘I Love ME!’ is a brilliant example on how to engage the world in positive change by offering real solutions for young people to learn powerful positive techniques to live in harmony with themselves and others. These two amazing young ladies bring values, confidence, resources and personal empowerment to people of all ages. I can’t wait to see what these girls do next! ~ Robin Rapture, Executive Vice President of Friye™, Speaker/Author and International Champion Cheerleader
Elisha and Elyssa are wonderful sisters. They wrote this book so you can become better. Take it from me, a martial arts master. You’ll learn, you’ll smile, and start feeling happier. Having met them in person, I know in my heart that these tweens, with the loving support of their family, will do great things in this world. Buy this book, read it with your child/children, and be inspired by its life-affirming message. ~ Master Phil Nguyen, 7th Degree Black Belt, Author of “9 Secrets to Becoming a Bully Buster”
“When I read I LOVE ME! tears ran down my face. I wish I had an I LOVE ME! book when I was growing up. It’s an empowering book by kid-preneurs that not only teaches confidence and self-esteem to kids but also encourages people of all ages to follow their dreams. Elisha and Elyssa’s words of wisdom are great reminders for me too. I highly recommend kids, parents, grandparents, teachers and caregivers to read and discuss I LOVE ME! so that we can create a better world.” ~ Carol Wain, The Queen of Reinvention
“This is a fantastic version of positive learning for young readers. A path for our youth to learn personal development and a true gift for personal success principles. Love it is for children by children making it accessible to our future generations! Great work ladies!!!” ~ Shellie Hunt, CEO/Founder Success is by Design, The Women of Global Change
“Let’s face it, we live in a very competitive world where we are easily judged by others. Reading this empowering book will provide your child with key insights that will make themselves continue to feel whole, regardless of their peer’s opinions. Don’t let their ages of these young media moguls fool you; I Love ME! is a powerful book on self-esteem that should be in every child’s library.” Richard Krawczyk ~ Author of Ultimate Success Blueprint, Speaker, Consultant, Philanthropist
“I Love ME” book is a great resource not only for kids , but for older kids (adults) as well. I really love the way all 7 steps have action steps at the end of each chapters, because having knowledge of anything is not enough unless and until you take action. Elisha and Elyssa has given great guidance after each chapter to take action and love the key words that they have written at the end of the book. I highly recommend this book for all ages.This is a perfect time to share this book. Very inspiring.” ~ Sangita Patel, Author,Speaker and Holistic practitioner of Embrace Your Inner Self.
“I Love ME!” is a great book for a kid or the kid inside you. Be inspired to live your best life, feel good, go after your dreams and most importantly HAVE FUN. Thank you Elisha & Elyssa! ~ Sandra Champlain, author of the #1 International Bestseller “We Don’t Die – A Skeptic’s Discovery of Life After Death”
I LOVE ME! is an extremely powerful and uplifting inspiration by two lovely young hearts to give kids and tweens an instant shot of self-esteem and timeless truth.“~ Imran Rahman author of ‘Be More, Do More, Have More: 365 Tips To Living A More Powerful and Purposeful Life,’
“I work with young girls and women with anxiety and low self-esteem issues and this “I Love ME!” book is a beautiful compliment to the work that I do. I have had the good fortune to meet Elyssa and Elisha and I just love their positive energy and enthusiasm for bringing awareness to this important topic. On top of this, I Love ME! is jam-packed with practical tools, confidence-boosting messages and beautiful illustrations. This is an empowering and inspirational must-read book for both kids and their parents!” ~ Trudy Scott, food mood expert, nutritionist, author of “The Antianxiety Food Solution
“As soon as I met these two young ladies, I knew Elisha and Elyssa were very special. Through their “I Love ME” book they have shared a message that is absolutely invaluable to all kids so that they can have better relationships with themselves and others. I’d venture to say that many adults could learn from their wisdom as well. It truly is a must-read!” ~ Dr. Karen Sherman, award-winning author and founder of MakeYourMarriageWorkNow.com.

I had the pleasure of meeting Elisha and Elyssa at a seminar in 2013. What amazing kids with an amazing message. It is such a joy to see happy, polite, outgoing kids, kids that you can carry on an intelligent, thought provoking conversations. Congratulations to parents who encourage their kids dreams. Congratulations also for these two young ladies boldly following their dreams.
“Elisha and Elyssa are the sweetest little girls, my princesses, my treasures. I have felt their love and light since before their birth and they have shone bright everyday of their lives. They work hard and play hard. They are passionate, and talented. They are heart-centered and selfless. They are full of gratitude. They are the perfect girls to write I Love ME! because they live it everyday. It is a privilege to be their mom, and an honor to be their home educator. In a world where most kids find heroes in cartoons and role models in celebrities, Elisha and Elyssa have chosen to follow the Christlike attributes of the people they love and trust. Their stories are inspiring, their wisdom is beyond my years, their message is timeless and timely for children and adults alike: know and live your passions, love and nurture yourself unconditionally, be grateful for no reason, and be a cheerful giver. I pray that every child in the world can get access to I Love ME!’s 7 simple steps so they can achieve their true potential, and I applaud Elisha and Elyssa for embarking on this journey to be catalysts and advocates for self-love and lasting happiness, and make a difference in the world.” ~ Elayna Fernandez, The Positive MOM, Bestselling Author, International Keynote Speaker, Award-winning Success Guide